Welcome to the Adriatic Research Institute




Our mission is the advancement of human thought and improvement of human condition through scientific research and education activities.  The current focus of those activities is on the area of microsystems technology.


Publications and Research


Conference and Journal Publications


Research areas and results


Recent Events & Courses


Presentation by Dr. Veljko Milanović: Linearized Gimbal-less Two-Axis MEMS Mirrors," 2009 Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition (OFC'09), San Diego, CA, Mar. 25, 2009.


Presentation by Dr. Veljko Milanović: Fast and High-Precision 3D Tracking and Position Measurement with MEMS Micromirrors," 2008 IEEE/LEOS Optical MEMS and Their Applications Conf., Freiburg, Germany, Aug. 12, 2008.


Presentation by Dr. Veljko Milanović: Improved Control of the Vertical Axis Scan for MEMS Projection Displays," 2007 IEEE/LEOS Optical MEMS and Their Applications Conf., Hualien, Taiwan, Aug. 12, 2007.


Presentation by Dr. Andrew Miner: High Temperature Operation of Gimbal-less Two-Axis Micromirrors," 2007 IEEE/LEOS Optical MEMS and Their Applications Conf., Hualien, Taiwan, Aug. 12, 2007.


Presentation by Dr. Veljko Milanović: Highly Adaptable MEMS-based Display with Wide Projection Angle," 2007 IEEE Int. Conf. on Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS'07), Kobe, Japan, Jan. 25, 2007.


Contact Information


We are located in the San Francisco Bay Area, near the campus of the University of California at Berkeley.  Contact us with your needs, ideas, comments or interests at the address or e-mails below.




Adriatic Rsearch Institute


2700 Rydin Road, Unit F


Richmond, CA 94804






General Information: info@adriaticresearch.org


Webmaster: webmaster@adriaticresearch.org


Technical Support : support@adriaticresearch.org


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